I dont know why but i do often dream about v*

BUT i am never the one that is v** it is usually always someone else and i can never seem to escape it and its terrifying.. well i had ANOTHER one of those dreams again..

I havent been with my ex boyfreind in like 3 yrs but yep i had a dream about him and he was v** all over and in my dream i was trying to sleep and i felt something wet and had noticed he v** all over the floor.. i mean all over the floor more then anyone could ever v** and it was soaking up into my blanket and so i was FREAKING out in my dream because i was in direct contact of it and it was soooooo horrible.. i felt so vulnerable and i couldnt get away.. when i woke up i felt soooooo releived

I have dreams like this of others v** around me atleast a couple times a month..

Just wondering if i was weird or if anyone else has these types of dreams ?