hope i don't ramble too long.

I just realized i have this phobia tonight. it's wonderful hearing everyone share. however, my phobia is a little different.wondering if anyone feels the same.

I don't have much of a fear of myself v*. mostly others. (i did however go 21 years without doing it, quite a record, and indicitive of this phobia i guess!) i dont have a fear myself because i have a very strong stomach. i even eat sushi regularly!

However, i work in a public place, and it seems like someone's always saying "oh i don't feel good" or "can i use the restroom". i get terrified. i also get very angry with them. i've even told customers they should go home if they don't feel well. sometimes i even walk out of work and don't come back until i'm sure they're gone.

it happened again this morning, and although the customer didnt v*, i got really angry at him for being there when he didnt feel well. that maybe made me think i had a problem. i had no idea it was so common- or there was a website with a message board!

the problem is i know i wont want to go to work tommorrow for fear that it will happen again. and i get angry at the clients for doing this to me- irrational.

God bless you all for sharing. this is wonderful. feel better just talking about it.