I know that someday i am going to have children ( somewhere in the near future), however, not only does the morning sickness issue bother me ( which i am determined to fight head on and not v* at all) but my main concern is my children. i cannot stand to be around v*. i will hyperventalite or pass out when someone is even FEELing like they are going to. I got in a wreck when my boyfriend who was the passenger said i had to pull over cause he had to be sick ( i pulled over way to far, like the ditch haha) ANYWAY, my point is this. When my child is sick ( and im not talking about infants, cause i can handle the spit up milk thing) but when they start to eat real food producing real v*, how can i be composed enough to deal with them being sick. how could i clean it up if my husband is not home and most importantly, how can i let me kid know that he/she is ok and not going to die from v* when i think i am? has anyone thought about this or gone through this too??