AGH!!!!!! I just read this article (it was emailed to me)! Now I'm a little more scared than usual. I am not posting this to scare anyone, but just to give you a heads up. I highlighted the pertinent parts in red that may be useful info. >> 12 DAYS?!?!?!!!!<<

Officials say norovirus caused illnesses at Beach school

By LAUREN ROTH, The Virginian-Pilot
© October 12, 2006 | Last updated 10:31 PM Oct. 11

VIRGINIA BEACH - Health officials on Wednesday identified the culprit that sickened about 190 students and staff at College Park Elementary School last week as a norovirus.

Officials did not, however, pinpoint a single source of the virus.

The highly contagious virus causes vomiting and diarrhea, usually for one to two days. It is commonly associated with cruise ships because close living quarters help the virus spread, but most cases occur on land.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that noroviruses are responsible for 23 million cases of acute gastroenteritis - commonly known as the stomach flu - each year, and at least half of all food-borne outbreaks of the illness are due to noroviruses.
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