I feel like I've been dodging the sv for the past week or so. It first started last Monday night when I had to go to the hospital and there was someone there who was v*. I heard the doctor say it was gastroenteritis, so who knows if it was contagious or not. Then this Tuesday, a girl came into work and v* while she was there. She left shortly after, but I still worry about being exposed. Then another guy came in Tuesday whose wife was v* Monday and I've been worrying about him getting it and briningit to work or just being a carrier. He was leaning all over my desk yesterday, trying to show me something on the computer and it had me freaked out. THen I came home from work yesterday and my husband wasn't feeling well. He didn't v*, but he had a lot of d* and felt horrible. He thought it was from the junk food he ate at a training class he had for work (frappachino and a bunch of candy on an empty stomach). I wasn't too careful with him because I thought that's what his problem was too.

So this morning I woke up and my stomach felt a little off. All of a sudden I had to go to the bathroom and it was pure d*. THen I tried to keep getting ready for work and felt my stomach not just churning, but liquifying. Then I had d* again. Usually that liquifying feeling is one of my cues that it's more than IBS. Now I am so scared. I'm afraid I picked something up from one of these people (or maybe some place completely different). Lately it's like one "waiting period" after another. I have been stressed lately, but usually that just gives me my typical IBS problems, not this bad. I haven't eaten much because of being scared in the waiting period. I feel horrible! Does it sound like a sv? Does anyone else get the liquifying feeling/sound when it's just stress or IBS ad not always just from sv?