Okay so my best friend's mom died, and I had never met her, well I did once but that was when her mom was in the hospital. See my bestfriend I met her online and she lives in New Jersey, and yes I've met her in person a few times and we really get along, that is when I'm not in love with her. Which I am now....anyway heres the problem.

Her mom died last week, and she was VERY close to her mother. Now she's depressed and a little suicidal. I believe a lot of things about death and spirits, I just don't really believe that people can talk to them once they have passed. I believe that spirits can leave signs, and move objects, but talking to one, not my thing.

Anyway my friend's girlfriend is telling her that she is channeling her mom's spirit. I think that this is a load of horses***. I'm trying to convince my friend that she is being played but she doesn't get it. Also, I don't know what to do in helping her with her mother's death, and I DON'T think he girlfriend is helping her by telling her that she talks to her mother. Am I right? Or should I just back off and let my friend believe this crap cause it comforts her? It really bothers me that someone would play someone else like that.
