Does anyone else have this constant fear of becoming pregnant? I used
to be really bad when I was still in high school but not so much any
more. Well thats a lie....when certain things happen I think I may be.
Like lately I have been hungry n* and lots of pain at like random times
all day long, even at 2 and 4 am. And eating is the only thing that
helps. Like I freak out and then I make myself eat and I feel fine. I
think oh god, am I pregnant??? At least it would explain the weird
things. And I have IBS, and I have been having slightly loose poop with
actually is pretty normal for me because I have to eat a ton of fiber
for my ibs. I just hate feeling icky or off. I wish it would go away. I
try to go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week, to keep things regular, and
keep me fit, and it relieves stress, but I keep thinking am I pregnant
is that why i feel icky at the gym? Im on birth control, ortho evra(the
patch) and i only have a preiod every three months...which is nice, but
i still wonder sometimes...could i be pregnant and just getting my
weird light period? Everyone in my family has little periods with their
pregnancies...ANother thing is that just recently I had to take
anitbiotics which MAY lessen the effectiness of the BC...which scares
me but it hasnt ever done anything in the past, so I tried not to
worry. Anyways...I dont want to buy a test because I wont get my next
period till some time after Christmas....bascially has anyone ever
thought like this???