Well, just got back from the doctors. I have a UTI and he prescribed me Septra (sp?). I've never taken it or any other Sulpha drug and dummy that I am I asked the pharmasist about side effects! Yeah you guessed it, n and v are POSSIBLE but not necessarily gonna happen. While I was waiting I looked in one of the pill books and it says the same for the other 2 antibiotics I've ever taken in my life so ... I try to remember this. Still any one else who has taken it would help.

Currently I feel a little n (nerves) and like I'm gonna have to use the bathroom and a little headachy. Haven't taken it yet. So I'm writing this so I can look back and realize I felt this W/O having taken it hehe. Ah the emet mind.

Any input is appreciated. I think I will start it this evening since its 2 x's a day so ... I will check back before then. Thanks in advance guys!