My grandmother is in a care facility, and it takes a lot for me to go visit her. I am very nervous about being around any kind of hospital setting. So I decided to challenge myself and went out to visit her yesterday. I wheeled her out to a patio area, and we sat outside enjoying the weather. Then another patient and her daughter came over to us, and stopped to talk. The woman was in a wheelchair, and had a vomit bag in her lap... IN HER LAP! I felt like I was going to faint, it was horrible. I closed my eyes and tried to get myself together. The woman was wheeled right up next to me, and it looked like there was actually something already in the bag. Oh my god, I felt like I was going to die. But I managed to breathe, and get myself together. I actually talked to the woman, and held her hand for a second. (she was showing me her ring) I didnt freak out! I acted like a normal person for once in my life. I even went into her room later, and said goodbye before I left. I was very proud of myself. Although, if something actually happened, Im sure it would be a different story. Ah well, baby steps.
