Hi there

Just a quick question. Which are the best and most effective anti emetics to take? And are they all prescription?

I went to the pharmacy on Wed because i had a bit of a scare whilst at uni (heard my friend was ill with a SV back home on Tues and i'd seen her on the Sunday). Over the top iknow but i got really panicked. Anyway when i got to the pharmacy i didnt know what to say so i made up that i'd been feeling n* and felt like i wanted to v* for the past few days and the nurse at uni had told me to come to the pharmacy and ask for anti emetics. Anyway she said they had only Motilium which is over the counter but they had run out, and that the majority are on prescription so i'd have to see my doctor.

I was just wondering, what do i say to my doctor? surely he wouldnt waste medication on me just because im scared it MIGHT happen. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.