So, today I actually came out and told my doctor that I'm emetophobic. And first he told me that that isn't even a real word so I had to explain it to him [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]. And then I asked him my questions, just to see his opinion. I asked him how sv* are passed and how well Purell really does work w/ viruses. So here's what he said...

sv* - He told me that sv* ARE airborne, but not all of them are. He said that there are many species of sv* viruses that it's impossible to know. I don't know if I should believe him or not....

Purell/hand wipes/sanitizers - They're slightly affective against viruses. He said it's definitely not a substitute for washing your hands if you've just gone to the bathroom but it works well enough. He said that it's just as affective against all germs in the same way soap is.

I don't know what to believe. I don't think I should believe him, he seemed annoyed w/ my questions