I am not sure if you all have done this before but I was wondering if any of you wanted to share who you are. I see you all on here everyday but don't know much about you. If you would love to share that would be awesome! And if you don't I totally understand.

My name is Brandi. I am 32 years old. I am a stay at home mom. I have been married almost 11 years and thank God my husband totally understands my emet and how crazy it makes me. I have 2 children. My son just turned 10 and my daughter will be 7 next month and they too understand my emet. They like to make fun of me!! I was born and raised in Southern California. I might be moving to Utah for my husbands work. I will be going there next week to check it out! I have one dog Isabella that is part coyote. Anyway sorry this is so long but now you know a little about me. Oh yeah and ILOVE to scrapbook!!!!