*I use the actual word V* and the slang for it*

Well, today at school after lunch I started to feel a little sick. I ate a chicken patty and it was the last thing I had thrown up(years ago)so I figured I was making myself feel nauseous. I went to Biology and tried not to think about it but I felt pretty low once I got there. Some stomach virus is going around school so I was getting a bit worried. I felt like everyone was looking at me because I looked like I was going to vomit. Obviously they weren't. So I just decided to say it out loud. I raised my had and when my teacher called on me(he's incredibly handsome by the way) I told him I felt like I was going to puke. He was like "Okay....was that a statement, or did you want to ask me something?" I found that quite amusing so I told him I was just letting him know. It felt good saying out loud. Nobody freaked out or told me I was nasty and nobody babied me either. It was no big deal, it was almost buisness-like. I didn't get sick but I did end up with a migraine which I think was the culprit.
Do any of you like to get it off your chest that you feel ill? I was confused why it felt good to say it out loud. Comments are always appriciated.