My 4 year old daughter woke up yesterday complaining of an upset tummy. As the day went on, she got sicker and sicker. She started v*ing around 2pm and didn't stop until sometime very early this morning. We couldn't even get her to keep sips of water down. I was so scared for her. She woke up ok, said that she felt better and then came down with a fever for a couple hours but hasn't v* since. She hasbeen able to eat and drink andkeep everythingdown just fine today. Her only symptom was v*ing, d* one time and a fever for a couple hours today. Other than that, nothing else was bothering her.

OK, so here is my thing. I am scared to death that I will catch this. I did fine helping her, although I think I was shaking much worse than she was. I stayed calm and kept telling her that she was going to be ok and that I was here for her but inside I was and am stillFREAKING out. I can't even eat anything. I'm scared that if I eat something and come down with this bug that I will v*.

I'm hoping so much that this isn't a bug and maybe she just ate something bad? I have a 2 year old that I am just waiting to start v*ing. I already have all the towels and extra blankets just in case. MAN I HATE THIS!!! I can't even sleep because it's worrying me so bad that I may be next to get it.

Can anyone suggest a way not to v* if I do get this? Is there anything that can prevent it? And if it's a bug how long does it usually take to show up in someone that has caught it? Any suggestions would really be appreciated.