Im upset about so much that i cant even write it all down because i
will cry too much...but right now i just need some reassurance that
life gets better and things happen for a reason. Also...Im really bf quit his job for a new better one where he is treated
right...but we had to go to his old work to get meat for dinner...they
have the only fresh meat in we get the beef, and then for the
second time he had to ask for his check, adn the guy was blowing him
off...after 10 minutes of waiting for him to stop being a dick we said
give us the turned into a screaming fight and we left with
the meat and the check...but now im scared to eat the meat because im
scared its all jinxed from the bad karam of the totally
freakin and really upset already and hungry...i dont know what to do..i
need someone to tell me if they think its okay to eat... anyone please?