Hey guys,

I would be really grateful of some help with my CV right now.

So its only a little weekend job that I am applying for but it is really important to me. My dad promise he woud help me with it this weekend but we fell out over me 'being so miserable and ruining his life' yesterday and now he says he is too busy to help me. I want this job so bad and dont have confidence in myself to write my own CV good enough to get the job. My dad used to be an English teacher in the army so I have a lot of faith in his ability to write.

So I wrote my CV...I was wondering if any of you guys would read it and tell me if it is ok..ive never written a CV before and just got the layout from the internet..but I dont know if it is good enough.

The job is for working on the telephone answering calls from people who need to talk to a doctor at the weekend when clinics are shut. My job would be to direct their call, give them perscription information, tell them clinic openings ect. The AD said it requires 12 months call centre experience and customer service experience. Well, I have never worked in a call centre before but have had just over 2 years of customer service experience so I have tried to put a 'I am good at answering the telephone' slant on my CV lol.

I would be sooo grateful if anyone would read it and tell me their honest opinion..dont worry about hurt feelings..I just need to know what I have to do to get the job.I will email to anyone who will read thanks.

I have to send it off in an hour though - thank you

Jen x