AGH!! My sister has 2 boys, aged 9 and 8 mos. Well, I stopped by w/ Aidan on Friday afternoon to see her and she told me that Christian the 9 year old had been sick w/ a bug on Wednesday. She said he felt sick that day and thought he was going to v*, but never did. Then she came over to my house yesterday (Sat.) with the boys. Christian had a bout of d* in our bathroom, said his tummy hurt before he had it, but felt fine after, he ate crackers and then we got pizza and he ate 3 slices as well as salad. THen my sister proceeds to tell me that the 8 mo. old had spit up/v'ed (more than spit up but less than an actual stomach emptying v*) 6 times the day before--hello, the day that Aidan and I had stopped by!!!And he spit up in the floor of Aidan's bedroom last night.So now I am really worried. I don't know if Christian's d* was a residual from feeling nauseous all day Wed. and if the baby was sick from catching it and will my kids be next???????