Hello my name is Amanda..I live in central Pa...Ever since i was little ive had this fear of vomiting..It was only recently that i discovered that im not crazy and there is an actual phobia for this fear...Im not sure what triggered my fear, my mom thinks that it stems back to when she was pregnant with my sister, she was v* and she thinks i got really scared and didnt know what was wrong with my mom.

This fear consumes me everyday..I have a 15 month old son who has v* only 3 times in his life. All were episodes of i dunno what...This fear has also made me have ocd..i clean all the time...ive taken off work to clean sometimes...Ive been to psychologists and taking zoloft right now...But i dont seem to find anything thats helping...

This past week was the week from hell...My husband wakes up in the middle of the night outta the blue says he had real bad heartburn and diarehha, next thing i know he's fine, then wakes up and v* all over the floor..I ended up having to clean it up all before work. My son has woken up while im cleaning and freaking out..It was awful.. Then my husband seemed to be fine all day except he had diarehha all day...When i came home from work i had to disenfect everything, wash everything and basically stay away from him. I wouldnt even let me son near him...I was soo scared i had anxiety attack after anxiety attack..That night though he was able to eat and i was strong enough to sleep in bed with him..I was really proud of myself for that..

The next day my son gets two shots at the dr's DPT and Prevnar..He was fine at the drs we get home and he starts getting sick everywhere..At this point im outta control, my mom is there trying to help like always..But my mom and my husband have a tendancy of saying to me Amanda you need to get over this, you have to take care of your son, you cant scare him, you wouldnt want him to have this phobia...So of course they dont understand at all what its like and that makes me even more scared..So to end the story, my son v* acouple more times then went to sleep...He woke up at 3 am and was fine..Didnt get sick anymore the next day either...Yesterday which was monday, he first got sick on thursday night...I picked him up from my babysitters and she said he v* again after eating breakfast...At this point i was like, ok what the heck is going on...Yesterday was also my birthday so this ruined my whole night...That night then my son was fine..Tonight he was fine until he started to get tired, then after i gave him his bath he starting gagging and v* up phlem...Up to this point i wasnt sure if he did have the sv* or not..My mom keeps trying to re-assure me that it could be his molars coming in..but im not sure..He hasnt slept well in weeks..His appetite is down and pretty much everytime he starts crying or acting like he did that thursday night i panic...

Im really at my witts end with this, im soo sick of it consuming my life, its all i ever think about..I think it was 3 years since i last v*...And i remember it all like it was yesterday...But everyday i worry omg is my son gonna get sick at the sitters, or is one of my sitters kids sick..This morning i swore the one was...Turned out she wasnt thank god...It was just me over-reacting...

My mom is my sole supported on this, everytime i get scared or panic my mom is there, or im calling her...Its like i need her to re-assure me that i will be ok, or the sick person in my family will be ok...But i think my mom is getting sick of talking to me about it..I can just tell how she acts..

Im now considering hypnosis...I feel thats my only option to overcoming this fear.

If there is anyone out there, that has advice for me, im all ears..

Thanks and hope to hear from someone soon..

Amanda Moore