Does your emets effect your choice of religeous practices as it concerns common cup communion? What I mean by that, Catholics and Anglican protestants practice the serving of the sacraments by sharing a common cup.

For me (I am an Episcopalian) I think about it and even obcess about it but it still does not stop me from doing it.

Many think the alcohol content (which is 18%) and many churches useuse a Vodka soaked cloth to wipe the drinking surface clean along with using heavy metal chalasis which are suppose to block bacterial growth...well who knows.

I read a study of a CDC research project that determined that while swab samples from communion cups detected viruses and other bacterial eliments they say that their finding do not indicate an increase in illness or spread of illness from the commun cup. in fact, they claim that the greatest spread is still in simple hand shaking while in church.

hmmm, interesting.

I do not want to create new phobias for folks but I was just wondering if anyone else has had their emets influence them in this way?