I have a new proposal for.....well....not a cure, but something to take the edge off of that nasty phobia. I know a lot of you probably do this, and if you do, then good for you! It's simple....ready?

Make fun of yourself!

That's right. If we sit there in self-woe and let others make fun of our phobia, it's sure as hell not going to get any better. You've heard of humor helping other diseases and disorders, why should emet be any different? Besides, it's hilarious, we all need a good laugh....I laughed and laughed till I v* yesterday, and now I'm so s* I can't breathe. Haha, isn't it funny how we have to censor things like that? I mean, no disrespect, of course...but it's all got a sort of humor to it!

In fact, I've been thinking of making an online comic based on the misadventures of a couple of emetophobes. We'll have all sorts of fun s*** like the lunchtime special--featuring the horrors of U* C*! [ undercooked chicken. haha. ]

Perhaps I have this humor because I'm delerious from a fever. That's right, a s* emetophobe is actually finding some humor in life! Well, anyway..gotta run. See you all tomorrow, and remember to look out for U*C*.

Disclaimer: If this thread offended anybody, I apologize. x3 I am truly just trying to help out. It worked for me! I'm a lot better of than I was a year ago, but I'm still very phobic. @_@Edited by: mayinga