My mom just called me and informed me that <st1lace w:st="&#111;n">my grandma </st1lace>was sick 2 weeks ago with v* and d*… And she’s lost 12 lbs since then. My mom took her to the doctor the next dayand they told her that she needs to avoid fats. So then she got sick again on Thanksgiving night when she went home. She felt fine atmy ucles on Sundayand ate, but when she got home that night, she woke up in the middle of the night and felt yucky but didn’t get sick. So she’s eating soup everyday. She’s afraid of getting sick. if she eats anything else.She thinks that there is something else wrong with her…bottom line is that she’s coming to my mom’s tonight for dinner where i'm going as well, and my mom wanted to tell me before I came over. I’m freaking out and I know I shouldn’t be, but I AM. I don’t want to go. I will just WORRY for the next 2 days. If I know that I can AVOID it, I will, but I really don’t feel like going now. Anycomments, please....