I've just had a mixed grill for dinner and I ate half of my two sausages as basically it tasted a bit wrong, not quite right, almost a bit cheesy. I normally like sausages and eat them so thought the brand might have been different as my parents ate theirs.

However they decided to eat my leftover sausages and agreed that they DID taste funny, so I was right in leaving it. But now I'm worried that it will make me ill/sick etc. I'm necking down the Diet Coke now to make my stomach extra acidic. I didn't eat much of it though and am fairly strong stomached so I don't want to be too negative.

Does anyone know how likely it is I'd be ill? They were in date and only bought either today or yesterday, wrapped and kept in the fridge, and seemingly cooked through. So I don't get it. Only time will tell but how long?

My emet isn't that bad but I hate the thought of having eaten something dodgy and I'm still terrified of my being sick, and I've only just recovered from flu so my immune system probably isn't tip-top. Any advice would be great! Thanks