Hey all

Well I'm taking a short break from the site. I've been around IES since 2002 and back then it was a much smaller community. As IES has grown obviously it's needed more moderating and I'm more than happy to do that. I love being part of a site that gives so much back to people.

Recently though I find there is so much emphasis on not getting sick, on avoiding V* and not so much emphasis on beating the phobia that brought us all here. I am fighting this phobia every step and it's not easy. Especially at this time of year.

In the last 4 years I have grown so much, I have gone from being an agoraphobic who literally couldn't eat anything to someone who travels on a regular basis and now eat a healthy (sometimes unhealthy ) amount. I couldn't have done it without the support of this site.

I would urge all of you who post and talk of avoidance to really think about what you are doing by reinforcing this phobia. I understand that this fear makes you want to avoid V*, hell of course you do, but it can't be all there is. Only focusing on avoiding vomiting is not going to work because one day you may get sick and you may not have the tools to deal with that. I can't put all my energy into not being sick because if it happens I will fall to pieces. My energy needs to go into not being afraid of it so that when it happens it doesn't destroy whatever progress I have made. I understand though that not everyone is there yet.

Now this is by no means a goodbye. It's just a break. A few days, maybe a week or two. Just basically to cut down the time I spend here and thinking about V* and germs. I'm going to finally unpack the rest of my boxes (I moved over a year ago, shocking that there are still boxes [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]) and get ready for christmas and just try and focus on some positive things at this time of year. I suffer badly from SAD and anxiety around this time and I want to try and combat it..

I'm writing this post because I wanted to thank everyone who has supported me over the years and I hope I've given something back. Also to let you know if you see me around a bit less then that's why and finally to provide you all with my msn address so that you can contact me anytime.

I'll be back soon [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

Edited by: hippychick