Hey guys,

I finally saw Buccastem for sale in my pharmacy, so I got some - yaaaaay!

I asked the pharmacist, a very kind man called Steve, all about v* and sv*s and I think I knew more than him - me going on about Noroviruses and Small Round Structured Virus particles (what? I like to remember lots of facts, lol) He reckoned it would definately work to stop v*, as it interuppts the signals telling the v* centre in the brain to activate. Hooray! I know Icant stop other people v*ing, but I do feel safer now if the worst comes to the worst and I get something.

Just wondering if anyone has any handy advice/experiences with Buccastem and reckons it is effective? (Hopefully lots!!)

It is hard for me to "control" keeping germs away from my family. I used to put a lot of effort into attempting to protect them, especially my Mum, but now, I accept that I can't. They don't wash their hands as much as me, and maybe come in from being outside and make a cup of coffee, have something to eat, etc. They say that this is proof that I worry too much, as they are fine, but what if one day they get something?

It's not fair, so many people out there must be so germy. Uurgh!
