SO I made chicken tonight. I'm not so worried about it not being cooked well enough or whatever (I make sure it is but I'm always afraid of Salmonella from it dripping or whatever.

I'm thinking about two things right now. One, I threw the container from the chicken in the trash and it was kind of sticking up. My dad was over and made my daughter a bottle. He washed his hands first, but when he went to throw the paper towel away, I'm afraid he touched the container in the trash and re-contaminated his hands. Then, the second thought, when I was dumping the water out of the pasta, it splashed up off of the cutting board I cut the chicken on. Granted, I had washed my hands a million times over the cutting board in the sink so most likely all of that soap killed anything, but I still worry.

Oh, I hate chicken. But there is only so much you can make with "safe" stuff, you know!