Im 16 years old and i have suffered from emetaphobia since as long as i can remember. The last time i v* was when i was 7 years old. I have gone through pregnancy and child birth without v*. My son is 5 weeks old now. Im afraid i wont want to have any thing to do with him when he is older because of my phobia. I am nauseous everyday. I chew gum all the time because it helps a little but i would way rather be able to v*. I read that after a while of not v* your body doesnt know how to anymore. The things that would nomally make a person v* doesnt. I just found out that im not the only one with this fear. in fact i just found out it was a phobia. I am very teriffied of v*. when ever i get extreamly nauseous, i go into a panic attack and hyperventalate. is any one else like this? I really need help I cant go on like this for the rest of my life. Any advice? please feel free to email me at [email protected].Edited by: afraid213