Hi there!

First english is NOT my first language, so some sentences or words
might seem wrong to you ( I may be the only French candian guy on this
site ever! )

I don't know if you'll like it... but here is my story!

I'm from Quebec ( the eastern part of Canada...but you should know that right? lol )

and I'm a guy ( yeah like...maybe... 0.000001% of "declared" emetophobes... )

I can honestly say that 50% of my time is spent thinking about my fear

I'm always feeling like something is wrong with my stomach

But I can say that this fear has never stopped me of doing things I had to do

I'm proud of me for that

But it has stopped me of doing fun things I guess

I've never been drunk ( but I go to parties and have some beers )

I don't want to go in spinning things or roller coasters

I'm now afraid to fly ( but I,ve done it while I was young ) so I can't travel

And I have to sleep in my own home...

But I think that the worst thing for me is that I can'T be in a serious relationship with a girl

I've had girlfriends, but it doesn'T last because I cannot be trusted

The only person that is important for me is myself ( Am I sick? Will I
get sick? Should I go there ( because I'm surely gonna panic and make a
fool out of myself)? )

You know that kind of questions, I'm not reinventing the wheel here...

So I am the center of my attention, and it sucks big time

I want to wake up and be happy to live

Not that I'm depressed ( not at all)

But I want to live my life at its fullest

I guess maybe the best thing for us emetophobes me be to invest our time in something else than our own fear

I don't think that a none-phobic person can feel what it is to be afraid of going to school or to work

But I don't think that those people know how it feels when you've done something that you never thought you were able to do

I do think that those moments are better than any king of drugs, alcohol or else

It's a sense of freedom at its best

dont you think?

Take all the help that is around ( like this magnificient site )

And enjoy those moments

I'm naive enough to think that someday all my life will be made of those success

I don't want to be old and regret that this fear will have destroyed my opportunities

So I guess I have to learn to live with the bug!!!

Take care of yourselves ( but not too much... ) [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]
