I was at the pediatrician the other day for a checkup for my son, and overheard a mom in there talking to the receptionist. She had a teenage son with her, and she was telling this other woman that she told her teenager to not touch anything or even drink out of the waterfountain because there was a bad stomach virus going around. She seemed really panicky about it, which surprised me because then she said she was a cardiologist. Not that cardiologists come into a lot of v* contact, but her being a doctor surprised me. Anyway, I never thought about the water fountain thing, and of course she said that AFTER I let my boys get a drink from there. I was slightly panicked after that. Then yesterday at a field trip to the dentist (I homeschool) there was a mom there that has had the sv twice this year already! She said her son, who was there, had it Thursday, and of course he sat next to my kids and they talked and wrestled, yada yada. I suppose he wasn't contagious anymore, but still freaked me out. Then she said that her hubby was v* Friday night, and that he never ever v*. I'm just so nervous right now. You know, I don't remember who said it about it just seems like if there is talk of sv's, we are a magnet for it. It seems like I can't go a day without hearing something about it. I would love a life where I hear about a sv, and thought of it like I had heard a sore throat is going around. Or be able to drop it in a conversation like it was nothing, just sort of a "ya was sick the other day, wonder what that was?" instead of thinking about therapy if I ever got sick enough to v*. What the hell is this disorder? Why am I not afraid of sneezing, or having diarreah? Those are both loss of conrol type things. Sigh, ok, thank you for reading my rant. I know you all know just how I feel right now. Its so hard to deal with, but we do, because we function in our day to day life. Its just that emet is so mixed in with our day to day life, and that is freaking exhausting. How can I get through the next five months???? Although my boys did v* repeatedly in July last year, so even that isn't "safe". Ok, really rambling now, thank you for listening! Janna