I have a chrstmas party this Friday and my friend and her hubby are due to be staying the night afterwards.

My friend phoned in work sick today and said she had been sick over night (along with a cold, and cough etc). She said her children were also unwell (she didn't go into too much detail). She went to the doctor and he told her to take a few days off work because she had a virus. I am now really worried about having her stay over because she will still be carrying the virus right? Even if she isn't her husband might be and i want to politely tell her that i don't want them to stay or think of an excuse.

My husband said to tell her about my phobia and she might understand but i doubt it very much and feel guilty for landing her in the lurch but at the same time, i dont want her bringing a bug into my house.

Any suggestions on how i approach this?