I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I can't function anymore. Ever since last Monday's near-v* experience, I haven't been able to calm down at all. I can't eat (very much, anyway), can't sleep, etc. I panic constantly now and feel like I desperately want to quit my job. Since my near-v* episode happened in the bathroom at work, I'm terrified to go #2. I hold it in in agony for 8 hours until I get home. Even walking into the bathroom makes me sweat and shake and instantly panic like a madwoman. This is rididculous! I can't believe I'm phobic of pooping now. Nothing helps me relax. Not even alcohol helps anymore, so it's pointless for me to drink it. I can't sleep without popping a Dramamine or two. I'm eating them up like candy now.

It's so quiet and lonely in the office by myself. I pace the floors back and forth all day long, having at least 3 panic attacks during that 8 hour period. And eating lunch scares me to death. I can't believe how bad I've gotten. I am desperate to get to the doctor, so he can give me some meds and some strong tranquilizers. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind! I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]