Has anyone ever taken this anitibiotic before?? I never have, and I wasn't too nervous to take it cause my mom was on it for her pnenomia, and I was prescribed it for the same. Well I took the pill around 7pm, and when I went to bed at 1130pm, I felt fine. Usully if it was going to upset my stomach it would of by then. Well, at 130am I woke up with a horrible nasty metallic taste in my mouth, and I was having a vivid dream. I am now scared it is going to make me sick!! I really don't feel sick, but I usually don't react to antibiotics.

I also looked this drug up online, and having a metallic taste, and vivid dreams are a common side effect, but I can't sleep a wink now!! It is a really strong drug, and most people say it knocks the infection right out, but I am going to Vegas tomorrow, and I don't want to feel like this when I am there...What should I do??