i live on a college campus. my dorm is on one side of the campus and my classes are mostly on the other. Since the train runs right through the center, the only way to get from one side of the campus to the other, is to walk under a tunnel. It's not a long tunnel, just a little longer than the width of the tracks. Someone thinks it is funny to v* under the tunnel all the freaking time. Today there were remains of 10 or 15 piles of you know what. It's disgusting and even people who aren't emets think so. There is a facebook group called "Whoever Keeps P*ing Under the Tunnel Should be Shot" and there are already 600 people in it. there isn't much of as point to this story other than to just vent to people who know how i feel. I've been able to walk through the tunnel because the alternative is hopping a chainlink fence and crossign the train tracks (but believe me, I've thought about it). Normally I would avoid something like this like the plague, but unfortunately the stupid culprits have given me no choice. I either fail all my classes or I go to them and feel n* all day after seeing something I REALLY didn't want to see. YUCK!