Okay as many of you know I posted last night when I felt nauseous and all that crap. Well I don't feel much better today, I'm just sipping ginger ale hoping it'll go away. Well I'm supposed to go to my parents' house tonight but my sisters are home and one of them is sick with a fever. The one who has the fever tends to barf anytime she gets sick, no matter what she has (She threw up even with the chicken pox when she was younger, I remember) I'm thinking that I might have a minor stomach virus or barring that minor food poisoning. I just feel like my immune system is comprimized, and I don't want to get what she has and I don't know if I should go with the possibility in the air of her throwing up. But I want to see my other sister, we were going to watch movies together....GRR! What's the possibility of me catching what my sister has?
