Just wondering: So many of us have the same weird symptoms. A few years ago I thought I may have celiac (an allergy to gluten in wheat). I went on a gluten-free diet and had no n* or symptoms for about a year. I then went back on the gluten to get tested and tested negative. Then after being back on the gluten I started getting n* again so now I'm back at square one.

I am certain part of my problem is emet because I have so many of the same habits and rituals as you all do. But I wonder if many of us have celiac and don't know it and that is initializing the n* which is causing the emetophobic panic attacks. The two could be working together in us. Have any of you considered celiac, been tested, gone off gluten, or seen an effect of this? I have heard there are false-negative tests for celiac. Celiac is also more common in people of white european or caucasian ancestry and according to the polls on this site that is what many sufferers of emet are (with exceptions of course). I've read that as many as one per 100 people have a sensitivity to gluten. Could this be your problem anyone? Or part of it?
