Well I have to say all of you guys are awesome!! That being said, my internet was out since friday so I have not been able to come on here. It has been much easier not logging on here everyday. I hardly thought about sv* at all. I still did but I come on here several times a day and hear horror stories and I obsess about it all day. It was actually really relaxing not hearing about it all the time!! Don't get me wrong you have all been so helpful and such a comfort in my times of need and I like to think that I have helped some of you. I am gonna try not to come on here everyday anymore. I will check in every once in awhile to see how everyone is doing and I am sure I will be on when I am having a crisis. Sorry this was so long. Thank you all so much!!! I really really think you all are awesome!!! I am gonna try to work on this phobia so wish me luck!!! Have a very Merry Holiday Season and a Healthy Happy New Year!!!! ~Brandi~