Well, yesterday I had to go to my doctor for my annual---I'm sure all the ladies know how much fun that is! Anyways, my doctor's office is in a huge medical building with many other physicians, and he shares his with Family Practice and Internal Medicine doctors. The last time I went a few months ago I absolutely panicked from the moment I got in there to the minute I got outside. I even freaked out in the elevator and had to take the stairs. The waiting room wasn't even full but I still worried about ill people and germs and so forth.

Well, this time the waiting room was FULL. Packed with pale, coughing patients and there were tons of screaming children running around. Usually a situation that throws me into full panic mode. But for some reason I did not panic! I didn't even worry about anything---I actually felt amazingly calm and wonderful! I just there reading one of their magazines (which I usually never go near) and waited for my turn. It felt amazing!!

I know it's not really a big thing, but it just feels so great to not worry for once. Thanks for listening everyone---I just had to share this with you all!