Ok so tomorrow I'm going to the hairdressers to get a haircut and some highlights. I was kind of looking forward to it because I'm going to get my fringe get cut back in and I grew itout so long ago.

Anyways, I'm kind of worried because I've been feeling really off for the past couple of days. I can deal with it at home where I can sit down and breathe whenever I need to, or stick my head out a window or something but if I'm stuck in the hairdresser's chair for an hour...

I am actually freaking out about this a bit, I can't even run away and look like an idiot because thats a crime and I have to pay and bla bla. If I start getting claustrophobic or n* in the chair (And the two tend to go together) what am I going to do? Plus I'm such a water freak at the moment, I'm drinking like 12 glasses a day and I honestly don't think there's going to be a bottle small enough to carry that will get me through the appointment.

Should I just cancel?