Ok, I was just put in a situation that I REALLY don't wanna be in.

A little background on me.....I went to Sunday school and church as a kid but more it was more casual as my mom and dad weren't too strict about it. I was confirmed and all that stuff.

Fast Forward to present day: I don't believe in God, Jesus, or the bible....I don't go to church or anything. That is my choice...I believe there is "something" out there but I don't know what it is. I am a good person and I didn't learn morals and such from the Church...I learned them from my parents...I learned how to be a good person cause I was brought up in a good household and I had a good family..it had nothing to do with religion. Anyway, I don't push my beliefs (or lack thereof) on others cause everyone has their own reasons why they believe or don't believe this or that. People can believe or not believe whatever they want and I don't care....get my drift...?

Anyway, so today in the mail today get a card with a CD in it from my bf's older sister.I have never ever discussed religion with her EVER. On the inside she wrote:

"Melanie - When I heard this is was very hard for me to keep my composure. I kept thinking of you and I felt so sad. I was sitting there fighting back my tears.There is so much more I wish I could share with you. Let's talk later after you listen to this. Call me if you want"

Well, I was confused cause Ididn't know what to expect on th CD...it was about doubting God and having questions about God and stuff and it was like a sermon type thingy....something that I am NOT interested in listening to the whole way through...

What do I do? I dont' want to hurt her feelings by not talking to her about it or not acknowledging that I got this in the mail. She is really really sweet but my biggest pet peeve is talking about religion.....people don't understand how I cant believein God and stuff....why do I have to listen to people try and preech tome all the time...I don't try and convince people that there is no god....what do I do???

I asked my boyfriend why she wouldhave sent me this outof the blue and he said that she had asked him what religion I was and he said "she doesn't have one...as in she doesn't believe in God" I feel like she thinks she needs to "rescue" me or something....I dont' need rescuing..I ama perfectly fine person with or without "god"....how do I talk toher about this???? I have to see her on Monday!! ACK!