Worst christmas ever. First my neice nephew sister and brother and law all had rotavirus. Only my niece v. A couple of days later my boyfriends mom had d all night while we were over for a couple days. Early this morning at 4am my boyfriend woke me up and said he had to v, and he was sorry, and didnt want me to worry too much. He thought he had indigestion and was only going to v once. He came back to bed and was realy cold so I snuggled with him to keep him warm despite my fear of gettting him sick. He v' a couple times in the morning again, and recently held down broth, and had bad d. He hasnt taken his temperature. I called my mom for support, she and my brother have bad fever, chills, n, and aches, so they have it too. I keep feeling realy scared one moment, then I think if I get it it wont be bad, that I can be strong and v like any other normal person. I try to tell myself that its a normal body reflex and its natural, but all of us emets know thats a bunch of BS. How could our creator make us do such an awful thing, couldnt it just always come out the other end. I want to die now. I hate this up and down, and waiting for impending doom. I just went to the urgent care a few hours ago to see ifI could get an antiemetic just incase I get sick, and as I was in the waiting room, a women ran in and v. SO I left and have been shaking ever since. I am sure you guys our curious about where I am from. I am in Lansing, and my Family Lives in the detroit area. (Both cities in Michigan just incase you didnt know) Has anyone out there v recently and thought it wasnt as bad as we make it to be? Please reply ASAP