Hey guys,

Well, last night I only had about 5 hours sleep, then had to get up rush about and travel to see my father, then went into town and was inbetween tons of people, then the supermarket, so all in all it took aggges, and now Im feeling rough!!

Do you think that it is lack of sleep and doing all those things that has made me feel awful? Or have I gone and picked something up from being inbetween so many people?

We were just leaiving the mulit-story carpark, and my gf had some how lost her ticket that gets you out of there, ended up having about a 40 car tail back, sooo embarrasing, she was shouting and swearing and getting all angry and I just felt soooo ill, and ugh, sorry moaning there, but needed that![img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]