Guys i did it!!!!!! i felt alot better this time as before i have just took vallium and that has helped but still felt uneasy,where as this time it was the first time since taking my anti-depressents and i found with those and the vallium helped alot more.....I only had 2 fillings done as the dentist was concerned about my heart beat as the last few times it had been racing to high.....My doctor dosen't seem to worried about it and says it's just aniexty related but he's talked about me taking a beta blocker the next time so that the dentist can do a lot more work under sedation.......I came home and had a good 4 hrs sleep and this evening i've had a bowl of porridge and 3 pieces of toast and a packet of crisip....So i'm feeling ok just really tired but i just wanted to write this post as i appreciate everyones support from my last post i wrote about feeling stressed.....I'm just glad it's over until september......Anyway guys i'm off to bed take care speak soon
