I don't feel like typing too much, so I'm gonna make this short. (hopefully).

Well, this morning I decided to change my bed sheets myself instead of having my mom do it. Like she usually does, since i'm a baby. hah. well anyway, *may be graphic* I lifted them all off except the white sheet that covers the mattress, it's always been there, it's a matress protector. Typically used for young kids w/ potty problems (which I never had) but anyway... even my parents have one. Well, this stupid matress thing was FULL of stains! LITERALLY full. Mostly period stains, bad enough already (I bleed heavily. it's disgusting. I wear diapers when I'm on my period now while I'm sleeping. that bad, yup...) but i also saw some yellow-ish orange stains... V* STAINS! [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]. Cuz ... spring break 2002... I v*d on my bed, while I was laying on it. I v*d for the dumbest reason ever actually, sorry this is so out of order, let me tell this story. WELL basically long story short, my sister had been v*ing one day, and i was scared, and I scared myself to the point of v*. Luckily I only v*d one day that day but anyway it was stupid. Turns out she wasn't even contagious, she just ate something that didn't agree w/ her (she was little at the time.)

well that was already gross enough (seeing the stains). So, then i get a phonecall from my grandparents saying that they want to take me out to lunch, the mall, then possibly dinner. So I ended up eating out for lunch today, at Torero's (local mexican restaurant). It's really good so I don't get too nervous when I eat there. I actually did v* though once after eating there in July 2002 (2002 was a bad v* year for me... lol) but it was only once. and I had d* once earlier in the day. Dunno what I had...

THEN we went to the mall. OMFG it was SOOO crowded, WORSE than Christmas, cuz of all the stupid sales. But I dealt w/ it pretty well! Except for my embarassing grandparents. I decided to go to A&F, because I had giftcards for it, and i really wanted to buy something. My grandma INSISTED that she come along. and OMG it was bad. this isn't really emet related, but she got mad at the clerks, told them it was a horrible store, etc etc etc, kept demanding how awful of a store it was, complained because there was only one checker (big f***ing deal ... ) and umm ya. I felt so bad for the store people, I was trying so hard to just smile and be nice to them. The thing is I couldn't apologize. w/ my grandma there. She's soo mean to the store ppl. And then she went on saying how it was horrible quality clothing. SOOO not true, they're clothes hold up better than any other "prep" store I've been to (i.e, American Eagle, Aeropostale)

After the mall, my grandparents and sister decided we JUST HAD to go eat f***ing fast-food s*** at Costco. SOOO horrible, it was crowded, the tables were DIRTY. And every1 in there looked really sloppy and ghetto, I couldn't believe it. We waited forever to get our food. Finally, we got it. EXTREMELY greesy cheese pizza (5 napkins didn't even help), and frozen yogurt. wow. Disgusting. I was so disgusted. And my grandparents were impressed they're like "at a fancy restaurant you would've paid $8 for a slice of pizza". Umm sorry but you're probably guaranteed CLEANER environment, and less-greasy pizza!

It's sooo annoying being young. I like it, but sometimes I just ... can't stand it. I survived... but sometimes I feel that when I get older, my emet. won't be as bad because I'll be controlling more of my own issues. Sorry this actually didn't end up long [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]