So, my uncle has been here since Sat and is going home tomorrow. I've eaten lunch meat even after he made a sandwich from it. I'd seen him wash his hands but he'd gone outside after that but before fixing the food. Plus my room is by the bathroom and I know he doesnt' wash his hands UGH! So yeah I will be scrubbing tomorrow. lol

Then last night I went to a friend's party. I ate from plates/bowls that others ate from. Didn't eat any of the cooked stuff but that is cuz it had meats in it that I don't eat. Didn't drink either, never do, plus was designated driver so my ... guy I'm seeing could have some beer lol. I hung out w/ people who'd been drinking, only one was real drunk but didn't even hesitate to use the bathroom or be near him etc. I didn't OCD wash my hands, I did after the bathroom and when I got there. I shook people's hands. Then drove my guy I'm seeing home and crashed there. I felt sick at the end of the party but didn't have an attack and ended up fine so... that's my triumph and I'm hoping it's only the beginning for '07 and that all of you do well too!

Well, gotta get back to cooking and entertaining ... Happy New Year!