Okay this is going to sound really weird, but here goes.

It's 1:40 AM here and I just woke up, and saw that I had spit all over my blankets. Made me a bit concerned, but i thought that I had just drooled. Then, I looked down and saw that where my mouth usually hit the pillow, there was a wet patch tinged with brown!!! OMG, could I have like, v*ed a bit in my sleep and not known about it??? Or was it the olness of the pillowcase and slight bit of dirt that turned it brown with water? Help me here!! I'm freaking out and if I go wake up my parents they're just gonna tell me to go back to sleep. I don't have a fever but before I went to sleep I had a funky taste in my mouth and my stomach hurt a bit although I have gas now. Help!!!

<3 Anya--