So my boyfriend and I live together. On December the 30st he had the sv*. He didn't vomit but he felt very n* and had d* and fever, and even though he didn't vomit I'm really scared of this bug, because it's been going around in my town for some weeks now and it seems like some people vomit and others don't.
So, when I got to know that he was sick, I just grabbed my purse and jacket and moved to my sisters house (what a nice and caring girlfriend..) and this is where i am now. The problem is, I don't know when to move home again. I've heard that the the calicivirus may be contagous for untill three days after the person is free of sympthoms, and that the virus may also live on a cold surface for three days, and my boyfriend wasn't feeling completely well untill yesterday evening, so with my calculations, I should stay here for five or six more days to be totally safe. Today, he called me to say that he had cleaned the bathroom with clorine and done lots of laundry and that he was feeling just fine, but what does that help if the bug is still in his body?
I don't know, I'm I beeing hysterical? Should I just move home tomorrow? I really wanna go home, but i hate beeing somewhere where i have to occupate my mind with this virus all the time.
What would you guys do?