Well I was visiting the yahoo questions thingy last night on the subject of stomach virus, which I do not recommend anyone do, sent me into a panic attack, and read some interesting stuff on olive leaf. I googled it, and read that it has properties that kill off viruses and bacteria, and one study said that it killed every virus that it was introduced to. Now, I sure don't believe this is the answer, and I know as a group we're sort of trying to get away from prevention and into dealing with it more, but I thought it was interesting. I mean it wouldn't hurt looking into, but I don't know much about it and I know that herbal things can be as dangerous as medicinal things in interaction and stuff like that. In a perfect world though, wouldn't it be great?[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] I think I will get some at the health food store and just ask them about it. I already give my kids probiotics and cranberry extract, but they may be bellying up to olive too. By the way, I don't ever tell them why I'm giving them that, I just call them the "vitamins" and they have no idea what my true intention is. (prevent the sv or at least lessen the incidence) Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you! Janna