I'm having one of those horrible nights. In fact I have been having lots of bad nights with my son as he has been unwell. He started with a high temperature and just over a week ago. Since then he has had a sore throat, nasty croupy cough and has just been really lethargic and miserable. I took him to the doctors but was told it was just a virus. This morning he seemed much better, but then this afternoon he started with a fever again. Then, after his bath he coughed until he v*d. He did the same just after going to bed and now he is coughing again. He says his tummy hurts and I am just waiting for it to happen again. I know I should feel relieved that it is from his cough and not stomach related, but I am sitting here really shaking . I am so tired from over a week of really disturbed nights and just feel like I can't cope with any more v* tonight.