Earlier today, my husband and I decided to go to the beach and have a picnic and fly kites. It was 75 degrees with clear blue skies.

We get almost there, and suddenly I'm gripped in a panic attack with an intensity I have never felt before. My fingers clamped shut in a tight fist--and I literally couldn't move them! My feet tingled. My cheeks, eyelids and tongue all tingled. At one point, my husband was basically yelling at me to take a Xanax, but I couldn't even swallow if I tried! I couldn't open my mouth. My tongue clamped down. It was the strangest sensation. I couldn't talk or anything.

I finally calmed down and told my husband to take me home.

It was the most terrifying, out-of-mind experience of my life. I thought I was going to throw up too. I had the fingers clamping up like that right before I v*. I don't know if it was severe hyperventilation. But that was the closest I've come to going to the emergency room.

Now I just feel so depressed. Severe panic attacks really drain you. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]