Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems like since I removed all traces of Alvin's stuff that the anxiety has gotten a lot worse around here and a lot of newbies seem particularly misinformed and panicking about transmission of noroviruses.

Alvin and I are currently trying to convince a Ph.D. guy from UBC to validate and put his name to Alvin's information, so that he doesn't keep getting the "you're not a doctor" criticsm. (Alvin is doing a masters degree in microbiology currently, and did some extensive research on noroviruses and their transmission ....and posted it here...but was criticized for not being a doctor. He reacted emotionally to the criticism and asked to have his stuff removed.)

Basically, Alvin's a nice guy who wants to help. I'm sure it wouldn't take much convincing to get him to agree to put the info back up, and just "suck it up" and take the criticism from whoever wants to wield it. Even Ph.D's get criticized for their work, anyway.

What do you guys think? Is it ultimately more helpful to have it here, and just brace for the occasional critic? Or better to wait for the Ph.D. guy? Would even he be questioned?