Well tonight for lunch we went to our usual pizza place, I got this pizza bread. All it is is bread with garlic and spices. I always get it. Well about 2 hours after eating it, my guts started feeling really weird. Like I felt the "drop" and I immediatly had to run to the bathroom. It wasn't really bad, but my guts are just killing me. I am home for lunch right now, and I had to go again. I am just sitting here sipping on water when my stomach started making all these gurgling noises and my stomach now feels hot, if that makes sense. My stomach just hurts really bad and I keep feeling like I gotta have d* again. I have to go back to work soon, and I am nervous. I have 5 more hours to go. I am scared I have fp, and I might v*, but do you think I might have already v* by now if the d* already started??